
This is a site for me to share my story of struggles and triumph, giving all the glory to God!

Looking for hope,

In a time of complete chaos and division, I feel like this is also the time for us to be honest with ourselves and others. Being united and sharing our own stories with people we would not have expected to.

I always try to be a light and encourage others to be who God made them to be. Matthew 5:16 holds me accountable to embrace who God has called me to be.  “So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that your commendable works will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.”  ‭I want everyone to know how amazing they are and how loved they are! Encouraging others is not easy when you feel totally hopeless and like your existence is a mistake. We will come back to that. Let’s start at the beginning. 

I grew up as a typical southerner, playing sports and going to church every Sunday with my family. Growing up in church I picked up the religion rules (the “do not’s”) very fast. I thought everything was going great; school, friends, sports, health, and church. When I turned 15 things changed…I finally got my permit!! I also was diagnosed with a rare, incurable neurological disease. This meant sports, friends, school, health would change a lot. I was told that my disease would slowly prevent me from being able to do things that I had always been capable of doing. Running, and even walking, eventually became two things that my body no longer was able to do. Talk about a major curveball being thrown my way. I thought “surely my faith will remain steadfast through this.” But like any other teenager, I wanted to have a good time and was looking for joy in all the wrong places. 

I went through high school and the start of college playing the fake religious side of who I was. I then turned to trying to do everything I could to “heal” myself and bring my body back to “normal”.  I was working out a ton and keeping my head down focusing on only me. Little did I know one workout was about to give me the hope I needed. 

While working out, I was listening to a sermon and I vividly remember the preacher saying, “God will change your situation of saying ‘why me’ to ‘why not me’ if you trust in Him and give Him every area of what you’re going through.” That was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment! I eventually started attending that church by myself and it all started clicking together. I grew from a religion mindset to having an authentic relationship with Jesus. 

The peace and comfort I’ve gotten over the past few years with Him in my life is hard to describe. James 1:2-4 helps me keep my eyes on Jesus, despite any trials I will face in this life. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” No, I am not healed and still have a rare incurable disease, but there is much more  to my life than being “normal” on this side of Heaven.

No matter what I go through, and continue to go through, I know God has got me. Having to be dependent on people gives me a great privilege to meet and know others on a deeper level. I’ve seen God provide for me when I needed things to change. So to whomever reads this- you matter and are loved. You are enough! I hope you’re not reading this thinking I’ve got it all figured out, because I do not. I just have a hope that I cling to, and His name is Jesus. 

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭33‬ ‭

God’s word tell us that we will have troubles in this life. That’s just the reality of living in a fallen, sinful world. But His word also promises us that He’s overcome it all. I pray my story reaches someone who may be in the middle of their own trial right now. May my testimony be the encouragement you need to find hope through your hard. We’re all navigating mountaintops and valleys together. Our posture through them is what makes all the difference. For me, it’s one of worship. 

I’m trusting that the Holy Spirit continues to guide me in sharing more with you. For now, let your light shine, even through your difficulties. He has the final victory, friends. 

Megan McDuffie